BI(Business intelligence) in finance

Business Intelligence (BI) relates to the practices and technologies used by orga nizations to collect, process and present the extracted value from the existing in formation. Simply put, it’s all about converting data into an understanding of what it holds for better business decision-making with the help of visualizations, reporting, predictive analytics and other features.

Business Intelligence software forms the background for financial analytics and helps answer the Why questions based on real information. When BI and analytics are used in a combo, businesses see the journey from the present moment of information towards data management, predictions and future decisions.It is specifically crucial for the finance industry as business intelligence tools and analytics are the instruments that help us to see reality clearly.How can financial institutions benefit from business intelligence software in practice? Though BI.


BI dealing with

Managing uncertainty related to all kinds of threats has always been a top priority for the financial services industry. Managing risks faced by the specialized nature of finance takes an integrated approach involving technologies embedded into everyday business operations. Business Intelligence tools are one of the numerous solutions highlighting real information that allows you to act on the data of a company’s reputation score, security issues, regulatory requirements changes and compliance, customer behaviors, etc.

For example, by tracking customer behavior you can prevent fraudulent activities while tracing employee behavior can be effective in ensuring regulatory compliance and addressing potential insider threats. By complementing the existing data with the additional economic context information, the organization has a fuller picture for their credit portfolio analytics and can distinctly see any possible weak or strong points.


Money has never been an easy undertaking, even more so today when it’s critical for financial services providers to synchronize the organization in order to build resilient operations. It is not a one-man ship and it takes overall organizational efficiency. BI tools enable the system’s constant communication of transactional information between users, as well as unified data sharing and automated manual reporting, all through clear dashboards with KPI (key performance indicators) and metrics correlations.

A well-recognized benefit of BI tools is performance management capabilities. The data you have in your system can identify every point of your business performance at every level in one single score, including operational procedures, teams’ productivity, customer management patterns, technology efficiency, etc. This allows for a clear organization performance health check and outlines the effectiveness of every operational procedure.


BI to improve

Money management has become a commodity of the connected personalized world. With BFSI (banking, financial services and insurance) services generating huge data volumes, it is vital to make sense of the data quickly and in a targeted manner. The potential of BI technology is Data on Demand, which is having real numbers in front of you helping you to see where the business actually is, to identify value drivers alongside growth opportunities, and then monitor financial/non-financial KPIs against those.

A well-put BI solution makes real-time data handling fast and to the point. It allows for the analysis of the correlation between investments and profitability across multiple dimensions of the financial organization (products, customers, services, channels) to further strategize on valuation or growth optimization. As a result, financial organizations have solid proof for future go-to-market strategies and better overall financial services.

BI to understand

The era of customer loyalty to the financial services industry, per se, is over and the customer experience is becoming a new benchmark for financial institutions. Your customers and partners have their expectations, but do you really know what they are? BI for customer experience in financials is about stopping the guesswork in the first place. By using the data you already have, like customer profiling, behaviors, sentiments and patterns, etc., BI applications allow financial service providers to extract pragmatic insights of what your customers (as well as partners) truly expect from your services. Be it more flexible loan offers, simplified financial models, or transparent reports, ultimately customers seek to understand how their money works.


Case Studies

93EAFF 6
93EAFF 7

CFO of the Future will need to be the connector between Business & Technology