Fulk Diesel Trading is a leading fuel supplier specializing in petroleum products. Backed by well-equipped storage facilities, a fleet of road tankers and a specialized operations team they can deliver the fuel exactly at the time and place of customers choice.

The Oil industry is very dynamic and the oil prices change several times a day and accordingly the demand and supply. To hedge against the price fluctuations the company keep booking the quantities at different rates. Now while negotiating and finalizing rates with the customers they don’t have visibility as to the open orders placed with the suppliers. They also need visibility to the customer outstanding so they can decide how much exposure they can take on the customer.
So every time they are dealing with the customer they have to call the accounts department to give them the required information which makes the entire process longer and inefficient. Moreover, the customer uses the Tally accounting package which does not give cloud reporting either or integrate with any third-party reporting tools.

Our goal was to create a cloud-based dashboard that can give all the required information to the owners to deal with the customers namely:
- A summary of all the open orders from the suppliers and the average pur chase price.
- A summary of all the open orders from the customers and the average selling price.
- The quantity for which the order needs to be placed and at what price.
- The customer outstanding dashboard gives the customer outstanding and the ageing of the same.

We used Microsoft Power BI to develop dashboards to give the owners all the required information at their fingertips (either through a URL or mobile app).
The Dashboards were directly linked to their accounting package Tally so they don’t need to ask for any information from their accounts team. For this, we have developed a custom connector between Tally and Power BI. The customer is able to negotiate better with the customers and suppliers and generate more profits.
Also with the customer outstanding visibility, they are able to control the exposure to each customer and reduce the risk of bad debt and increase the turnover with the same capital.